Responsible Investing
We reflect what matters most to you.
Whether you're driven by personal or stakeholder values, aim to mitigate risk, or simply need to comply with regulation, our approach to responsible investment integrates with what matters most.
Key benefits to our responsible investing approach
Our experts are well versed on responsible investing. As a result, we have integrated material environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into those relevant investment practices, including research, portfolio management and active ownership.
In addition, our investment experts are well-versed in responsible investing across the globe. We continue to enhance our process to embrace responsible investing at Russell Investments.
Our investment approach identifies asset characteristics that are most relevant to your investment needs. We can focus on exposures that are not only sustainable but also material to your investments, enabling you to go beyond the standard.
This results in innovative best practice solutions designed to help you reach your investment goals.
We are committed to adapting our solutions approach to be at the forefront of the changing global landscape. We proactively enhance our practices to align with client needs, regulatory changes and market conditions, constantly evolving to bring market-leading solutions.
Responsible investing solutions
Designing forward-thinking, sophisticated responsible investment solutions that reflect what matters most to you and your investment goals.
Doing well while doing good
Development of portfolios with more optimal responsible investing exposure. This includes portfolios which incorporate allocations to higher material ESG scores or to impact investing.
Sustainable-themed strategies
If you are seeking a specific portfolio outcome, our team can work with you to implement ESG-focused investment strategies, such as decarbonisation or social capital, to pursue your desired objective.
Managing exclusions
We aim to ensure that required and requested portfolio exclusions are managed to minimise unintended exposures while still aligning to investment objectives.
We collaborate with organizations that establish and drive responsible investment practices.
Russell Investments is recognised again by RIAA as a Responsible Investment Leader 2023.
Responsible investing policies
Russell Investments' policy is to incorporate responsible investing into our investment manager evaluation process, our portfolio management, our advisory services, and through implementing proprietary solutions as desired by clients.
As a premier investment solutions partner with multi-asset and multi-manager capabilities, we leverage a broad set of relationships to exert influence and enable multiple levels of engagement. These connections also provide information sharing and serve as an important feedback loop into our active ownership processes.
Climate change policy
Russell Investments' policy is to research, measure, report and consider climate change risk and opportunities as integral parts of our investing practice, our active ownership, and our business operations. Our measures, reported metrics, and consideration of climate risk and opportunities are integrated into our sub-advisor research and selection, portfolio management, advice, proxy voting and shareholder engagement, and day-to-day business.
Sustainability risk policy
Russell Investments' policy is to integrate sustainability risks in our investment solutions by identifying, evaluating and managing relevant risks in our investment manager review process, portfolio management and through implementing proprietary solutions. We believe sustainability risks are most relevant to investment outcomes when they exhibit financial materiality, and, like all investment risks, are incorporated by balancing expected risk with expected reward.
In managing investment solutions, we consider financially-material sustainability risks in the context of expected rewards using a blend of inputs from sources including, but not limited to, investment managers, third-party data sources and Russell Investments propriety analysis. Furthermore, we incorporate bespoke sustainability risks based on clients' requirements for customised mandates. As well, we seek to collaborate with our advisory clients to consider, monitor and manage sustainability risk priorities in their portfolios.
Reports and research
Any opinion expressed is not a statement of fact, is subject to change, and does not constitute investment advice.
The value of investments and their income can fall and rise and is not guaranteed. You may not get back the amount originally invested.
While Russell Investments considers ESG as part of our business and investment approach, our products may not necessarily be classified as ESG-focused (i.e., Article 8 or 9 products) under current regulatory criteria. It is important to note that, unless specified, the products referenced in this material should not be assumed to be classified as ESG products (Article 8 or 9 products under EU regulation).
Ready to take the next step? We're here to help you.
For questions, please contact Martijn: