Defined Contribution (DC)
Plan Solutions

Award-winning services for the design and management of an effective defined contribution plan.1

Award-winning services for the design and management of an effective defined contribution plan.1

Defined contribution outsourced CIO (OCIO) solutions

Guiding your participants toward better decision-making as they save for retirement.

Helping improve retirement outcomes for retirement plan participants is a crucial goal of DC plan sponsors. We're dedicated to helping you employ best practices in plan design, investments, and implementation.

Maintain control of what is important to you; delegate the rest.

Like many fiduciaries, plan sponsors may find that keeping up with defined contribution regulatory requirements, plan design changes, and oversight of investment managers, recordkeepers, trustees, and custodians are draining limited resources. Outsourcing may be the answer.

Plan sponsors may benefit from engaging us as a co-fiduciary for:

  • DC plan design
  • Investment manager search and ongoing management
  • Participant communications
  • Recordkeeper searches and oversight
We have more to help you learn about DC outsourcing


CIO 2023 OCIO Survey - Top DC Outsourcer

When it comes to DC plans, outsourcing can take many forms, from limited-scope duties such as investment manager selection and monitoring to full plan management and administration. For over 30 years, we have provided award-winning1 fiduciary management services to corporate retirement plans.

1 Russell Investments was ranked as a top global manager of 401(k), 403(b) or other DC outsourced assets, out of 26 firms, in CIO Magazine’s “2024 Outsourced-Chief Investments Officer (OCIO) Survey,” based on the AUM from its fully discretionary clients (as of December 31, 2023).

Defined contribution investments

The default option is increasing in importance

Target date strategies have become the most popular DC plan QDIA (qualified default investment alternative) option because they offer a sound investment strategy that helps streamline retirement savings. Target date strategies aren't for everyone, however. We offer other default investment strategy options to meet the unique needs of your plan and your participants. We believe a well-built investment menu designed for several types of investors can help drive better outcomes for participants.

Learn more about defined contribution investments
Multi-manager Institutional & Custom strategies

Target date strategies

Outcome-oriented strategies built to provide access to some of the best researched money managers. We also have custom target date strategies, which are specially tailored to your plan's unique needs.

Dynamic strategy management

multi-asset strategies

For diversification within multiple asset classes.

Defined contribution
plan handbook

Third edition

The challenges of managing a DC plan continue to become more complex, and we've updated this third edition to address this evolution.

Receive the third edition now
Cover of a defined contribution retirement plan handbook

Explore related research, articles, and insights


Defined contribution plan handbook: Third edition 


Large DC plan implements OCIO

Public DC plan implements OCIO

DC plan incorporates ESG

Adding retirement income options to a DC plan

Case studies are problem-solving stories. We select a situation that is indicative of problems clients in this category are facing. The recommendations described do not represent a standard strategy or set of recommendations made for all advisory clients with similar issues. Each client has unique requirements, challenges, and constraints, and our advisory solutions are tailored to each client’s specific needs.



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