Strategic research and insights for

Case studies and industry research tailored for the non-profit community.

Reliable ground-breaking institutional investment research to increase your understanding.

We provide quality information on assorted topics, including asset allocation strategies, investment policies, investment outsourcing, investment insights, regulatory updates, responsible investing, and more.

Non-profit case studies

A few real-world results our non-profit clients have achieved through partnering with us.

University foundation cut carbon exposure in its portfolio by 50%, boosted green energy holdings, and aligned return goals with sustainable investing strategies

A public university foundation with a $100 million endowment is looking to improve its investment program by working with an OCIO provider to enhance investment solutions and free up staff resources. They also plan to shift the investment portfolio towards responsible investing goals without sacrificing financial returns.

Explore this case study

Community foundation is better serving the needs of their community after optimizing donor funding, gift processing, and gaining administrative task support

The donor-funded foundation with over 300 separate funds needed a way to allow donors to direct their investments and alleviate the administrative burden on staff. Learn how we helped them better serve their community.

Read this case study

Non-profit with multiple sub-accounts seeks customized administrative solution

This non-profit association provides voluntary professional services to a 400,000-strong member base. It has over 35 investment sub-accounts, each with its own account setup, asset allocation, reporting, and monitoring requirements. The association was keen to work with an investment provider who could help it better manage its investment program across the multiple sub-accounts and reduce its administrative burden so its staff could focus on mission-driven activities.

Read about the custom solution

Foundation aligned investment program with mission and reduced costs through ESG beta completion portfolio

A donor-funded foundation managing over $4 billion teamed up with Russell Investments to help better meet its investment objectives through a three-pronged solution. This approach helped the foundation address the multiple challenges it was facing.

Learn about this study

Case studies are problem-solving stories. We select a situation that is indicative of problems clients in this category are facing. The recommendations described do not represent a standard strategy or set of recommendations made for all advisory clients with similar issues. Each client has unique requirements, challenges, and constraints, and our advisory solutions are tailored to each client’s specific needs.


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Lisa Schneider

Lisa Schneider, CFA

Managing Director,
Head of Client Solutions

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