Investor education

Shareable, client-ready content that advisors can use to educate investors

When investors understand the fundamentals of investing, it can increase their confidence and bolster the relationship they have with their advisor. The resources featured below cover types of investments, retirement, volatility & risk, investment planning & strategies, as well as investor guidance—in-demand topics that investors want to learn more about.

Volatility & risk

Volatility and risk are often key factors that influence investor behavior. However, an investor can more easily ride out these periods of uncertainty if they are armed with knowledge and an understanding of historical market performance.

Stay invested

Impact of staying invested

4 minute read

Staying the course during market volatility is often difficult for many investors. Some choose to move to cash investments, while others try to time the market. Unfortunately, these investors are often buying high and selling low—and miss the rallies that follow the challenging periods.

Download Staying invested (PDF)

Keep Calm

Keep calm and stay invested

8 minute read

It’s important to remember to stick to your long-term financial plan and avoid emotional, headline-driven decisions. To help ease some of the angst, consider these three guidelines to help you keep things in perspective, and stay calm and invested.

Download Keep calm (PDF)

Bull v. bear market

4 minute read

We believe that possessing the discipline to stay invested through the ups and downs of the market gives a diversified portfolio the best probability of meeting its goals.

Download Bull v. bear market (PDF)

Dogeared sheet of paper with a lightbulb iconVolatility & risk related content

Market volatility is to be expected during your investment lifespan. And with volatility, often comes risk. However, there are ways we, at Russell Investments, work to ensure that the right risks are taken, with the highest likelihood of compensation.

Investment planning & strategies

Investment planning and strategies can encourage investors to stick to their investment plan and overall objectives. These straight-forward approaches can be easily implemented and, with the help of an advisor, investors can reap the benefits.

Power of compounding

The power of compounding

5 minute read

Compounding is the process by which an asset's earnings, from either capital gains or interest, are reinvested to generate additional earnings over time.1 It’s this process that makes your money grow faster than simple interest.

Download Power of compounding (PDF)

1 Source: Investopedia

Value of diversification

Value of diversification

6 minute read

What style or asset class performs best in any given year? It depends. This color chart shows how large cap, small cap, value, growth, international, bonds, and real estate performed over the past number of years. It demonstrates how there is never an asset class guaranteed to be the best performing asset class year over year, which supports the value of diversification in a portfolio.

Download Value of diversification (PDF)

Dollar-cost averaging

Dollar-cost averaging

4 minute read

Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) helps you deal with the unpredictable nature of the financial markets. The way it works is you invest equal amounts of money on a regular schedule, over a chosen time period. You decide how much you want to invest, how often and for how long.

Download Dollar-cost averaging (PDF)

Dogeared sheet of paper with a lightbulb iconInvestment planning & strategies related content

An advisor can work with investors to understand their financial goals and translate that understanding into an investment plan that fits the investor's risk tolerance. Our investment approach and solutions include careful evaluation as well as variety to better suit an investor's needs.

Investor guidance

Advisors play a critical role in steering investors, and their behavior, through the various market environments they may encounter over their lives—and through the various major life events they undergo. The content below can be helpful to advisors and investors, whether a relationship is just getting established, or is maturing over time.

Value of an advisor

Value of an advisor study

11 minute read

We at Russell Investments believe all investors should work with a financial advisor. Our study is based on a simple formula that shows the value that advisors add by helping investors gain financial security.

Download Value of an advisor (PDF)

Cycle of investor emotions

Cycle of investor emotions

1–10 minute read

Emotions can be such a threat to an investor's financial health, it is important to know how to keep your head above water in the cycle of investor emotions.

Interact with the Cycle of investor emotions

Investor behavior

How to avoid common behavioral biases

6 minute read

Why do investors react differently to the same market event? It depends on a number of factors, such as what the investor’s objectives are, what their beliefs are about where they are in the market cycle and what markets will do next within the investor’s time horizon. Some beliefs may lead to successful investment strategies and behaviors. However, other beliefs may lead to behavioral biases that jeopardize the likelihood of achieving an investor’s objectives.

Download Behavior biases (PDF)