Managing through volatility

In response to the evolving situation between Ukraine and Russia, we’re here to help investors navigate through market volatility and focus on the long term.

A map of Ukraine in yellow and blue
We're here to help you with perspective and insight as you navigate through market volatility.

Russia-Ukraine conflict
Our latest responses to recent market news

Investing in volatile times
Important truths to remember about market volatility

At Russell Investments, we help investors manage downside risk in three ways: by diversifying sources of returns, by using a robust dynamic asset allocation process to guide tactical positioning, and by seeking effective implementation capabilities. We have been anticipating a low-return, high-volatility environment for the last 2-3 years. Accordingly, we have been dynamically adjusting our portfolio positioning to manage downside risk.


Why downside protection may matter more than upside growth

In today's uncertain environment, preserving capital may be more important than chasing growth.

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Managing risk biases

We find that it is increasingly important for asset owners to have tools to take control of risk and exposures in their total portfolio. Learn three ways that completion portfolios can improve risk-adjusted outcomes.

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Behavioural bias: What, why and how to avoid it

We take a look at behavioural bias, how to avoid it and the detrimental impact it can have on investor portfolios. What drives investors?

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What is risk management?

When it comes to investing, risk management is the active mitigation of uncertainty that surrounds all investment opportunities. Investing is inherently risky. At Russell Investments, we do not seek to avoid risk, but rather work to ensure that the right risks are taken, with the highest likelihood of compensation. We work to ensure exposure to uncompensated risk is minimized.

The value of staying invested

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"We believe one of the most important factors to an investment plan's success is the ability to stay invested."

- Erik Ristuben, Chief Investment Strategist

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The impact of staying invested during market turmoil

Staying the course during market volatility is often difficult for many investors. Some choose to move to cash investments, while others try to time the market. Unfortunately, these investors are often buying high and selling low—and miss the rallies that follow the challenging periods.

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Cycle of investor emotions

When things are great, we feel that nothing can stop us. And when things go bad, we look to take drastic action. Because emotions can be such a threat to an investor's financial health, it is important to know how to keep your head above water in the cycle of investor emotions.

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bulls and bears

Bulls vs. bears

We believe that possessing the discipline to stay invesed through the ups and downs of the market gives a diversified portfolio the best probability of meeting its goals.

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Market forecasts
Looking to the future for hope and opportunity


Global Market Outlook

Navigating global markets is more challenging than ever. To get a sharper view, access the data-driven insights of our global investment strategists.

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Equity Manager Report

Our distinct relationship with underlying managers gives us unique access to insights from specialists across the manager universe. As economic growth cools and the stock-market bubble threatens to burst, keeping a close watch on the views of specialist has never mattered more.

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Fixed Income Survey

We assess the outlook across the fixed-income landscape by surveying bond and currency managers throughout the year. We drill deep into fixed-income investment firms’ expectations on interest rates, inflation, credit fundamentals, emerging-market currencies and more.

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Any opinion expressed is that of Russell Investment, is not a statement of fact, is subject to change and does not constitute investment advice.

The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. You may not get back the amount originally invested.