We’re here to help you and your investors navigate through market volatility and focus on the long term.

Coronavirus impact: Our latest responses to recent market news


Investing in volatile times

At Russell Investments, we help investors manage downside risk in three ways: by diversifying sources of returns, by using a robust dynamic asset allocation process to guide tactical positioning, and by seeking effective implementation capabilities. We have been anticipating a low-return, high-volatility environment for the last 2-3 years. Accordingly, we have been dynamically adjusting our portfolio positioning to manage downside risk.

7 things successful investors do in volatile times

If you and your clients are feeling a little bombarded by current news and wondering what to make of it all…Take comfort… you are not alone!

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Mirage on road

Managing risk biases

We find that it is increasingly important for asset owners to have tools to take control of risk and exposures in their total portfolio. Learn three ways that completion portfolios can improve risk-adjusted outcomes.

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Compass on map with ocean

The coronavirus market selloff: 3 watchpoints for markets

Markets around the world are tumbling on fears that the coronavirus could significantly derail global economic growth.

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Market volatility continues fiscal response looms large

After Monday’s dramatic selloff, markets are focusing on the potential for fiscal response by the U.S. and other governments around the world.

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Important market volatility truths

Keep calm in volatile markets: Cycle of market emotions

The key to successful investing is to buy low and sell high. But more often than not, investors do the exact opposite. The reason? Investors are human. For example, many panic and cash out when markets fall. Ironically, at these times, these investors fail to recognise they are actually at the point of maximum financial opportunity.

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Value of Global Diversification

There are several potential benefits of a diversified investment portfolio, and one of the most important is to reduce concentration risk. This tool shows how different asset classes have performed erratically year to year, demonstrating the benefits of a well-diversified, multi asset approach.

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Risk vs Return

Although the markets might return a loss in difficult years, this brochure shows the returns a client could have experienced had they stayed invested. Using weighted averages, it also demonstrates the difference in volatility and returns between lower risk and higher risk strategies.

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