Who we help
We work with institutions and financial advisers.
We serve some of the world's most iconic investors.
Representative client list as of December 2023. Please note that the logos shown above may be registered trademarks of the organizations represented. Clients may contract for a variety of services from Russell Investments. The identification of the clients listed does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of Russell Investments' products or services by such client.
We are a leading global investment solutions partner.
OCIO globally 1
retail model
provider 2
consultant globally 3
assets under
management 4
assets under
advice 5
assets traded 6
years in business
offices globally 7
years average
industry experience 8
We are trusted by independent investment authorities as one of the world's leading asset managers.
Ranked among the leading institutional investment outsourcing providers globally 9
Ranked as a top global manager of institutional outsourced assets in the world 10
Ranked as the twelfth largest investment consultant 3
Client list selection criteria: Global representative client list was selected from Russell Investments’ complete client roster and clients have given permission to publish their names (as of December 2023). Clients listed hold top AUM and/or AUA within their region and were selected based on who would be most relevant to the target audience of this content. Total assets may or may not represent the total assets consulted on by Russell Investments. Performance-based data was not used in selecting listed clients.
1 #4 OCIO globally: For the 13th year in a row, Russell Investments was ranked as a top global manager of institutional outsourced assets in CIO Magazine's "Outsourced-Chief Investments Officer (OCIO) Survey," based on the AUM from its fully discretionary clients (as of December 31, 2023). In 2024, CIO's"OCIO Survey" included 26 firms.
2 Source: Morningstar U.S. Model Portfolio Landscape, 2023 in Review. Morningstar Manager Research Feb 8, 2024. Available on request.
3 For the 16th year in a row, Russell Investments was globally ranked as one of the top 12 largest consultants. The ranking is based on worldwide institutional assets under advisement (AUA) from 58 firms (as of June 30, 2024) in the 2024 Pensions & Investments "Special Report: Investment Consultants." Available at: https://researchcenter.pionline.com/uploads/datastore/consultant/consultant-special-report-1732011389.pdf
4 As of 12/31/2024.
5 As of 6/30/2024.
6 As of 12/23.
7 As of 03/24.
8 As of 09/24. Average industry experience relates to investment professionals.
9 Source: Pensions & Investments, "Special report: Investment Outsourcing", Issue date: July 15, 2024. Available at: https://www.pionline.com/digital-issue/july-15-2024
10 Source: CIO Magazine. (2024, May). "2024 Outsourced-Chief Investment Officer Survey". Available at:
11 See footnote 3, above.
Awards do not pertain to any funds or products mentioned in this presentation.
We paid the following publications a fee for licensing usage rights of the award logo/badge: Pensions & Investments' (P&I) and CIO magazine.
Short-listed recipients were invited to the publications' awards ceremonies, in which we purchased an event table and received licensing usage rights of the award logo/badge.