Sustainable investing

Actively designing solutions for the future.

A single bee approaching a honeycomb


Sustainable investing solutions for you

Our approach enables us to design forward-thinking, sophisticated sustainable solutions that align with what matters most to you and your investment goals.

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If you are seeking specific portfolio outcomes, such as decarbonisation or impact focused, our team can collaborate with you to implement sustainability-themed investment strategies to pursue your desired objective.

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If you are seeking to mitigate specific sustainable risk exposures, our team can implement portfolio exclusions designed to minimise unintended exposures whilst still aligning to top-level investment objectives.

Magnifying glass with an eye in it


We have a range of tools that can be used to manage portfolio overlays and outcomes (e.g. portfolio tilting to adjust exposure to sustainability outcomes, enhanced portfolio implementation).


We collaborate with organisations that establish and drive sustainable investment practices.

Responsible investment logos


Became a UN PRI signatory1


Policy Governance and Strategy module of the PRI annual assessment2


Proxy votes made at 9,747 meetings in 20233

Responsible Investment Leader Award 2024 | Responsible Investment Association Australasia

Russell Investments is recognised again by RIAA as a Responsible Investment Leader 2024. We are placed in the top 20% of organisations assessed.

1 PRI 2020 Assessment Report.
2 Based on Russell Investments PRI 2023 assessment.
3 Glass Lewis.

How we can support you in meeting your sustainability objectives

We understand the challenges you face and can offer a range of tools and asset exposures to help you meet your long-term sustainability goals. Our sustainability toolkit includes:

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We can provide support to help you define and achieve your sustainability goals.

Our tailored advisory services can help address your sustainability needs, from education to policy setting.

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We have developed a range of solutions to address the diverse risk, return and sustainability objectives of our global clients.

Magnifying glass with an eye in it

Portfolio Management

We understand the challenges you face and can offer a sophisticated range of tools and asset exposures to help you meet your long-term sustainability goals.

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Manager Research

We can guide you in selecting the solutions that best meet your objectives. With expertise in researching and evaluating money managers, our researchers are dedicated to identifying the best-in-class manager products/solutions across the whole sustainability spectrum.

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Active Ownership

We see active ownership as an important component of our investment responsibilities.

Proxy voting, engagement and industry collaborations are a core part of our sustainability offering.

Magnifying glass with an eye in it

Tools & Analytics

We have invested in and developed tools and analytics to provide transparent reports, allowing you to track your performance against sustainable investing goals and stay on top of regulatory requirements.


Insights and reports

Reports and research


For questions, contact the team: