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Investing fundamentals
Value of global diversification
This chart illustrates how different asset classes have performed relative to a multi-asset portfolio diversified across multiple assets, strategies & managers.
A multi-manager approach
The benefits of a multi-manager approach and how Russell Investments puts specialised experts to work for them.
Risk vs Return
This chart shows that no one asset class consistently outperforms on a regular basis.
Investor behaviour
Cycle of market emotions
Emotion can be such a threat to an investor's financial health, so it's important to be aware of them.
Dollar Cost Averaging
An investment strategy, called “dollar cost averaging.” It’s a discipline that helps investors invest more efficiently.
Our research10 golden rules of investing
Most investors place too much importance on trying to choose between specific shares and bonds.
Our research3 guidelines to keep in mind in volatile markets
We are faced with headlines every day that force us to consider bailing on investments when markets get jittery.
Our researchHow to avoid them and their detrimental impact on investor’s portfolios.
Download PDFManaging risk biases
Learn three ways that completion portfolios can improve risk-adjusted outcomes.
Our researchHow you can turn risk in your favour
Mention the word ‘risk’ when talking about investments and most people instinctively think you are talking about the possibility of losing money.
Our researchInvestment process
Considerations when changing a fund manager
This publication outlines Russell Investments’ process when changing fund managers.
Read articleJargon Buster
Simple, plain-language to help your clients understand common investing terms.
Download PDFBeginners guide to responsible investing
In this article, we look at what SRI is, and some of the motivations for incorporating SRI strategies when investing.
Read article

Four ways you create value: A+B+C+E
Contact Scott:
Scott O’Ryan