Our top 10 favourite blog posts of 2022

Persistently high inflation. The onset of a bear market. The European energy crisis. Steep rate hikes. Recession fears.

Investors are used to grappling with a myriad of issues, but 2022 had more than its fair share. As stocks and bonds fell while rates soared on the back of aggressive central-bank tightening, spooking investors across the globe, the Russell Investments Blog was there to cover it all. We worked in tandem with investment experts across the firm to deliver frequent and actionable insights to clients and readers alike.

With over 150 blog posts published this year, determining which ones performed the best was no easy feat. Ultimately, we settled on listing the 10 posts that sparked the highest levels of engagement among our readers. So, without further ado – and in no particular order – we present our top 10 favorite blog posts from 2022.

Why sticking to a strategic asset allocation may be the best course of action for investors today

Chief Investment Strategist Erik Ristuben explains why, amid increasing market pessimism, investors may be better served by standing pat and sticking to their strategic asset allocation and portfolio weightings for the time being.

New private markets strategies to support your total portfolio

We believe one of the key factors to success when building a private markets program is to have a surgical focus on desired exposures across the universe of opportunities. Client Portfolio Manager Darren Spencer explains why this should entail access to private equity, private credit, private real estate and private infrastructure.

OCIO can elevate your investment program. Here are 4 things to look for in an investment outsourcing provider

With so many firms to choose from, what distinguishes one OCIO provider from the next? Peter Corippo, managing director of fiduciary solutions, discusses four features we see as instrumental in setting an investment outsourcing provider apart from the rest of the pack.

Tackling the DEI disclosure gap – why no data is worse than unflattering data

Gathering diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) numbers across firms and jurisdictions isn’t easy, and the problem is compounded when some opt not to disclose their data at all. Director of Investment Research, Yoshie Phillips, explains that as clients increasingly prioritise DEI in their investment decisions, failure to disclose could mean missing out.

Listed Infrastructure: Opportunities in a changing world

 Investment in infrastructure is nothing new and remains popular with investors because it offers sustainable, inflation-protected cash flows while avoiding the challenges associated with investing directly in energy and transport projects. With the world’s infrastructure needing an upgrade, here’s how investors can make the most of this global opportunity.

2022 Annual ESG Manager Survey: The ESG journey accelerates

This year, climate risk dominated client concerns based on the 236 active managers surveyed on ESG considerations in investment processes from across equity, fixed income and private markets.

The parallels between fiduciary management and Formula 1 racing

Winning a grand prix takes a talented driver, the right car and engine, and lots of teamwork. Combining these elements with a game plan that can adapt to unforeseen circumstances is what makes the difference. Success in investing is similar. Head of Fiduciary Management Solutions Simon Partridge looks at how finishing first requires a carefully defined strategy, nimble ongoing management and clear accountability for key decisions.

Private credit: Why we believe ‘now’ is the time to invest

Private markets and market timing are two phrases that typically do not belong together. Keith Brakebill, Senior Portfolio Manager in Private Credit, details some of the reasons why we believe investors should put their money into private markets now, specifically private debt, to benefit from greater market coverage and the scarcity of fresh capital. 

Flattening the J-curve: Private equity strategies to improve investment outcomes

Implementing a successful private markets program as part of a total portfolio is not without some implementation challenges and perhaps the most pressing issue investors face, is managing the J-curve. Darren Spencer, Client Portfolio Manager of Alternative Investments, takes us through the impact of the J-curve and ways to mitigate it.

The rise of the meme investor

Over the next 10 years, we estimate that more than 70% of baby boomer assets will transfer to the next generation. With Millennial and Gen Z investors often looking to the internet for investing advice and the next big boom, how does an advisor get in front of this growing trend?


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