Accumulation portfolios
Diversified portfolio solutions for investors who are preparing for retirement
Russell Investments’ Accumulation Portfolios provide a broadly diversified portfolio solution for investors who are preparing for retirement. These portfolios offer highly sophisticated investment strategies managed by some of the world’s top investment talent.
Our Accumulation Solutions
Three key advantages to investing in accumulation portfolios
Consider these advantages when including accumulation solutions in your portfolio:
Advantage 1
Target your goals
Accumulation Portfolios target investors looking for growth potential at three different levels of risk. With an equity allocation ranging from approximately 33–73%, depending on the fund, these portfolios use strategic diversification to help limit risk, dynamic asset allocation to help identify opportunities, and exposure to factors that may lead to more consistent returns year over year.
Advantage 2
Make one decision
Once you define the right growth strategy that fits your future needs and risk tolerance, a single decision gives you a broadly diversified portfolio with exposure to a wide range of asset classes and access to institutional-quality investment managers from around the world.
Advantage 3
Stay focused
The mix of asset classes, investment styles and investment managers within our Accumulation Portfolios is continually monitored and optimized by Russell Investments’ portfolio managers, who are backed by our global capabilities. Our capital markets insights, manager research, factor exposure, portfolio implementation and asset allocation expertise help us identify developing trends, while our dynamic management process allows us to quickly adapt the portfolio to remain focused on the desired outcome.
Solutions to help grow investors' wealth
Accumulation Portfolios are designed for investors seeking institutional-quality investment management to help grow their wealth. Each portfolio has a different range of globally diverse equities and fixed income, including exposure to non-traditional asset classes such as global infrastructure and real estate.
52% equity
44% fixed income
4% real assets
The Balanced Growth portfolio investment objective is to provide long-term capital growth with some income, primarily through exposure to Canadian and foreign equity securities and, to a lesser extent, exposure to Canadian fixed income investments.
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Our Accumulation Solutions
2023 Fund Update
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