Adding commodities to a portfolio invested in stocks and bonds can help manage risk and potentially improve returns.

Why invest in commodities?

Commodities cover a broad range of real assets, including live cattle, wheat, corn, soybeans, copper, aluminum, nickel, gold, oil and coffee. We offer global access to the dynamic growth of both the developed and developing markets.

Long-term return potential through active management

Active managers can try to outperform passive indexes by using opportunistic "roll-timing strategies" around the index commodity roll periods (delaying the purchase or sale a few days after the index trades), over or under-weighting sectors or individual commodities, buying commodities that aren't in the index and other active strategies to take advantage of potential mispricing opportunities.

We recognize the money we manage represents the hard work and savings of real people like you. Or, if you represent a non-profit organization, the money needs to be there in the long run to fulfill important missions. We understand what's at stake. That's why we work to deliver real, lasting value. And that's why we're committed to our purpose: improving financial security for people.

Explore our array of alternative investment strategies:


For investment solutions that are built to deliver your desired outcomes, access our innovative range of multi-asset products to address your portfolio needs.

Return to Funds and strategies


Insights and research from our key thought leaders

We provide efficient investment solutions for:

Defined benefit plans   Defined contribution plans   Non-profits   Healthcare systems



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