Value of advice

The role of financial advice in providing support, discipline and connection to individuals navigating life events and working to achieve a great life after work cannot be underestimated.


How can financial advice help you?

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Asset allocation

Expert advice can help when investing your super for the long term and diversifying those investments into different asset classes to manage investment risk. Personalised advice will take your values, preferences and motivations into account, while maximising your position and implementing tax-effective strategies.

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Supportive partnership

People often turn to financial advice when they are faced with important life events such as starting a family, facing a redundancy, managing a financial windfall, planning for retirement or estate planning. Quality advice goes a long way to help prioritise your short- and long-term needs, and keep the focus on your financial future.

Upward staggered line with circle markers

Flexible approach

The ability to choose which type of advice you need is important when meeting your advice needs. Not everyone wants personal financial planning, while others benefit from the complete picture it creates. Some may want advice on one simple issue, such as making extra contributions, while others may look for ongoing advice.

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Easy implementation

A true advice partner will be there with you all the way, from making recommendations and answering your questions to implementing strategies and adapting these strategies as you go through life events. It’s a partnership, but they’ll do the heavy lifting—and take care of the paperwork.

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Transparent costs

A transparent advice partner will have no hidden fees or surprises at the end of the process. Any fees will be in line with the type of advice you’re getting and it will be quoted upfront. It really depends on how deep you want to go.

Get in touch with us for more information

Give us a call or email us. We're happy to have a chat.


How advice is helping Anita retire with more



Anita1 partnered with one of our advisers, and acting on their investment strategy advice, she could now retire with $88,000 more.

Anita, age 46, called us to find out if her investment strategy—of being invested in MySuper, a default investment option —would help her reach her retirement goal. We put her in touch with Matthew, an Over-the-phone Super Adviser, who works for Link Advice, our advice partner.

Based on Anita's account information and the answers to a series of questions, Matthew determined that Anita was a Growth style investor and recommended investing 100% of her iQ Super account in our Growth option.

Projected balance at retirement:

  • Current situation: $373,899
  • After advice: $462,315
  • Value of advice: +$88,4162

Matthew documented the advice he provided to Anita in a Statement of Advice, which she received in the mail a week or so later. Shortly afterwards, we called her to help switch her investment strategy to 100% Growth.


Meeting an adviser for the first time?

When you meet an adviser for the first time, make sure you are prepared, so you get the best result from your meeting.


Ask questions—lots of questions

Don't be afraid to ask questions about anything you don't understand or want to know more about. Start with these.

  • What can I expect from this meeting?
  • What qualifications do you have?
  • Can you provide a copy of your Financial Services Guide?
  • What’s your approach to providing advice and how can I be sure it will continue to satisfy my needs?
  • What fees will I be charged and what are they for?
  • Can you give tax advice?
  • What if I have concerns about the outcome of this interview?

ASIC’s MoneySmart has a comprehensive list of questions that cover financial qualifications, client needs, fees and incentives.


Interested in exploring your advice options?

We offer general advice, Retire Ready meetings, phone-based advice and comprehensive advice.

Alternatively, with just one phone call, we can work out which of these advice options best suit your personal circumstances. Call us today. 


We're here to help

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Already a member?

Log in to access your super or retirement account and sort your super online.

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Got a question?

Call us on 1800 555 667 or email us and we'll get back to you.

Want super on the go?

Download the Super Tracker App on the app store or on Google Play.

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Please note that it may take us up to three days to respond to your request and we will do our best to respond within the time frame you’ve specified above. We’ll only use this information to contact you in relation to this request. If we can’t reach you by phone, we may use the email address supplied to get in touch. Read our Privacy Policy.

1 While we've changed Anita's name and photo to protect her privacy, this is a real-life example of the difference investment strategy advice made to a genuine iQ Super member.

2 This example and projection is provided for reference only. It is not a recommendation or suggestion. This indicative projection is based on limited information and assumptions made about the future. The amounts are estimates only and are not guaranteed. Any personal advice or recommendation you receive may deliver a different outcome based on your financial circumstances.