Continuous disclosure
This is where we disclose information to meet our obligations under Section 675 of the Corporations Act 2001.
Fund disclosures
- AMMA Statement Delay Notification - Funds affected
- Change of Auditor Notice for the Russell Investments Ventura Funds
On 21 July 2023, the auditor for the Russell Investments Ventura Funds changed from BDO to PwC. View Change of Auditor Notice. - New PDS from 29 August 2022 for Russell Investments Ventura investors
We have issued updated PDSs from 29 August 2022. For a list of the key changes, please Download PDS. - New PDS from 11 October 2022 for RPIS/Agentia investors
We have issued updated PDSs from 11 October 2022. For a list of the key changes, please Download PDS. - New PDS from 23 March 2023 for RPIS/Agentia investors
We have issued updated PDSs from 23 March 2023. For a list of the key changes, please Download PDS.
Financial Reports
Under the Corporations Act 2001 we are required to provide or make available to you a copy of the annual financial report, the annual directors’ report and the auditor’s report on the annual financial report ("Annual Report") for the Fund in which you are invested unless you request not to receive the Annual Report. Annual reports are only displayed on the website for the current period. If you would like to obtain a copy of an annual report for a prior year, please contact the Helpline for your product.
View all Annual reports Half-yearly reports for Disclosing Entities
Product disclosure statement (PDS)
Each PDS provides a summary of the key information you need to make a decision into the fund. It includes links to additional information that is part of each PDS. This is important information you should read before making an investment decision. The information provided in the PDS is general information only and doesn't take account of your personal financial situation or needs. You should obtain financial advice tailored to your personal circumstances.
View all PDS
Target market determinations (TMDs)
Each TMD sets out the class of consumers for whom the product, including its key attributes, would likely be consistent with their likely objectives, financial situation and needs. In addition, the TMD outlines the triggers to review the target market and certain other information. This document is not a product disclosure statement and is not a summary of the product features or terms of the product. This document does not take into account any person's individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Persons interested in acquiring this product should carefully read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for this product before making a decision whether to buy this product.
View all TMD
Tax notices
Taxation notices for Subdivision 12-H of Schedule 1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953.
Taxation notices are only displayed on the website for the current period for open funds. If you would like to obtain a copy of a taxation notice for a prior period or a closed fund, please contact 1800 458 272
View Taxation Notices
Point in time
Point in time diversified funds Point in time diversified funds MAGS suite
Proxy Voting
View Proxy Voting Documentation Australian Proxy Voting Record
Internal governance and asset stewardship
Russell Investments Principles of internal governance and asset stewardship
FSC Standard 23: Principles of Internal Governance and Asset Stewardship
Trustee Required Disclosure
Total Risk Management Pty Ltd (TRM), under s29QB of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 is required to make certain documents publicly available.
View required disclosure
Russell Investments maintains a sound governance framework to ensure we conduct our affairs with honesty, fairness and integrity and in accordance with our Code of Conduct. We encourage the reporting of any instances of suspected unethical, illegal, fraudulent or undesirable conduct involving Russell Investments.
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Complaints policy
Russell Investments is committed to providing the highest standards of service, so if you have a complaint about our Russell Investments Funds or services, please let us know. We will investigate and seek to resolve your concerns to your satisfaction as quickly as possible.
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Strategic Asset Allocations (SAA) are provided as additional information for investors, but may be changed from time to time without notice. Please refer to the relevant offer document for detailed information about the strategy of each product.
The following table provides the buy-sell spreads that are currently applied to calculate the entry and exit prices for a specific option. We regularly review the buy-sell spreads for each option to ensure that they remain appropriate. Any changes to the buy-sell spreads for a particular option will be updated in the table below.
The following table provides the buy-sell spreads that are currently applied to calculate the entry and exit prices for a specific option. We regularly review the buy-sell spreads for each option to ensure that they remain appropriate. Any changes to the buy-sell spreads for a particular option will be updated in the table below.