
Fund factsheets and disclosures

Due to a reporting error, the Sustainable Managed Portfolios performance figures provided in the October, November and December 2024 monthly factsheets were incorrect. These factsheets have been reissued and now reflect the accurate performance data. You can find the updated December factsheets available on this page. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Managed accounts

Fund Name Factsheet
Russell Investments Managed Portfolio – Conservative Factsheet
Russell Investments Managed Portfolio – Diversified 50 Factsheet
Russell Investments Managed Portfolio – Balanced Factsheet
Russell Investments Managed Portfolio – Growth Factsheet
 Russell Investments Managed Portfolio – High Growth Factsheet
Russell Investments Managed Portfolio – Geared 120 Factsheet
Russell Investments Sustainable Managed Portfolio – Conservative Factsheet
Russell Investments Sustainable Managed Portfolio – Diversified 50 Factsheet
Russell Investments Sustainable Managed Portfolio – Balanced Factsheet
Russell Investments Sustainable Managed Portfolio – Growth Factsheet
 Russell Investments Sustainable Managed Portfolio – High Growth Factsheet

Exchange Traded Funds

Fund Code Fund Name Factsheet PDS TMD
RDV Russell Investments High Dividend Australian Share ETF Factsheet PDS TMD
RGOS Russell Investments Sustainable Global Opportunities Complex ETF Factsheet PDS TMD
RARI Russell Investments Australian Responsible Investment ETF Factsheet PDS TMD
RCB Russell Investments Australian Select Corporate Bond ETF Factsheet PDS TMD
RSM Russell Investments Australian Semi-Government Bond ETF Factsheet PDS TMD
RGB Russell Investments Australian Government Bond ETF Factsheet PDS TMD

Real return funds

Fund Code Fund Name Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0098AU Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy Fund - Class A Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0087AU Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy Plus Fund - Class A Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0089AU Russell Investments Multi-Asset Income Strategy Fund - Class A Factsheet PDS TMD

Diversified funds

Fund Code Fund Name Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0002AU Russell Investments Conservative Fund – Class A Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0003AU Russell Investments Diversified 50 Fund – Class A Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0001AU Russell Investments Balanced Fund – Class A Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0004AU Russell Investments Growth Fund – Class A Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0034AU Russell Investments High Growth Fund – Class A Factsheet PDS TMD
 VEN0029AU Russell Investments Ventura Conservative Fund - Class A  Factsheet PDS TMD 
 VEN0028AU Russell Investments Ventura Diversified 50 Fund - Class A  Factsheet PDS TMD 
 VEN0027AU Russell Investments Ventura Growth 70 Fund - Class A  Factsheet PDS TMD 
 VEN0032AU Russell Investments Ventura Growth 90 Fund - Class A  Factsheet PDS TMD 
 VEN0009AU Russell Investments Ventura High Growth 100 Fund - Class A  Factsheet PDS TMD 
Russell Investments Ventura Conservative Fund – Wholesale Class Factsheet PDS TMD 
 RIM0019AU Russell Investments Ventura Diversified 50 Fund - Wholesale Class  Factsheet PDS TMD 
 RIM0020AU Russell Investments Ventura Growth 70 Fund - Wholesale Class   Factsheet PDS TMD 

Sector funds

Fund Code Category Fund Name Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0006AU Australian shares Russell Investments Australian Shares Fund - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0029AU Australian shares Russell Investments Australian Opportunities Fund - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0046AU Australian shares Russell Investments Low Carbon Australian Shares Fund Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0008AU International Shares Russell Investments International Shares Fund - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0009AU International Shares Russell Investments International Shares Fund - $A Hedged - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0032AU International Shares Russell Investments Global Opportunities Fund - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0039 International Shares Russell Investments Global Opportunities Fund - $A Hedged - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0038AU International Shares Russell Investments Emerging Markets Fund - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0031AU Property Russell Investments International Property Securities Fund - Hedged - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0005AU Fixed Interest Russell Investments Australian Bond Fund - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0007AU Fixed Interest Russell Investments International Bond Fund - $A Hedged - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0041AU Cash Russell Investments Australian Cash Fund - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
RIM0037AU Cash Russell Investments Australian Floating Rate Fund Fund Factsheet PDS TMD
 RIM0042AU  Alternatives Russell Investments Global Listed Infrastructure Fund - Hedged - Class A Fund Factsheet PDS TMD