Trustee Required Disclosures

Under superannuation law, the Trustee of the Russell Investments Master Trust (the Fund), Total Risk Management Pty Ltd (TRM) is required to make certain documents publicly available.

Important Information

Product Disclosure Statements



Insurance, Fees and Costs Guide

Investment Guide

Super Guide

Product Dashboard

Member Outcomes Assessment

This Member Outcomes Assessment, for the financial year ending 30 June 2023, demonstrates how members who hold MySuper and/or Choice Products in the Russell Investments Master Trust, including the Nationwide Super and Resource Super Divisions, have had their financial interests promoted through the delivery of services and the range of products and features available to them.

Retirement Income Strategy

The Retirement Income Strategy, effective 1 July 2022, demonstrates how the Trustee of the Russell Investments Master Trust helps members approaching and in retirement to meet their retirement objectives, and captures the Trustee's response to the Retirement Income Covenant.

Annual Reports

The Asset Allocation at 30 June 2023 for the GoalTracker Option, Other alternatives, on page 10 of the 2023 Annual Report has been updated.

Financial Services Guide

Summary of Significant Event Notices

TRM specific documentation

Nomination, appointment, and removal of trustees:

Russell Investments Employee Benefits, as the owner of all issued shares in TRM, and the directors themselves, have rights to appoint and remove directors.

Where a vacancy arises, Russell Investments assists the Trustee (TRM) to source appropriately qualified persons. An individual will be eligible for nomination if they:

  1. Are able to satisfy the fitness and propriety requirements set out in TRM’s Fitness & Propriety Policy;
  2. Are not found to be ineligible due to affiliations or previous tenure; and
  3. Have the skills and capabilities necessary for the Board to fulfil its role and function.

In appointing a director, consideration will be given to diversity, having regard to gender, age, ethnicity and cultural background. However, it is recognised that, given the responsibilities of the Board, relevant experience, skills and knowledge, having regard to the TRM Skills Matrix, together with the candidate’s propriety are the primary considerations. TRM recognises that in appointing a director, regard must be had to the requirements of Prudential Standard SPS 510 relating to auditor independence that prevent certain persons from being appointed as a director of TRM.

A director may be removed from the Board only in the following circumstances:

  1. on expiry of his/her term, where applicable;
  2. immediately, where the director has become a disqualified person;
  3. immediately, should all of the directors, other than the director in question, determine that the director is no longer able to fulfil his/her role in a manner that is considered acceptable, or soon as practicable, should the Board consider this desirable in order to ensure that the Board continues to maintain the required skills and experience.

No director is to remain on the Board for more than 12 consecutive years, unless approved by the Board.

TRM Service Providers

Fund administration services:

  • Russell Investments Employee Benefits Pty Ltd (ABN: 70 099 865 013)
  • Investment management and related services: Russell Investment Management Ltd (ABN: 53 068 338 974)
  • Custodial services and Russell Investments PST administration services: State Street Australia Ltd (ABN: 21 002 965 200)
  • Provider of the generic financial calculator (MyTracker) and the GoalTracker® Plus limited personal financial product advice: Russell Investments Financial Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN: 84 010 799 041).

Trust Deeds

Target market determinations (TMDs)


Environmental, Social and Governance Statement



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