iQ Super performance


Returns are net of investment fees, costs and investment taxes (where applicable), and also net of the Trustee Administration Fee.
Members investing with GoalTracker Plus should refer to their Annual Benefit Statement for their personalised investment returns. 

Fund Inception Date Performance (p.a.)
As of 31/12/2024
1 Month 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Since Inception
GoalTracker Age Based 50 and below 26/3/2020 -1.16% 2.00% 14.38% 6.59% - 11.61%
GoalTracker Age Based 51 26/3/2020 -1.13% 1.93% 14.00% 6.41% - 11.30%
GoalTracker Age Based 52 26/3/2020 -1.09% 1.86% 13.62% 6.23% - 11.00%
GoalTracker Age Based 53 26/3/2020 -1.06% 1.79% 13.24% 6.05% - 10.69%
GoalTracker Age Based 54 26/3/2020 -1.03% 1.73% 12.86% 5.87% - 10.38%
GoalTracker Age Based 55 26/3/2020 -1.00% 1.66% 12.49% 5.68% - 10.08%
GoalTracker Age Based 56 26/3/2020 -0.97% 1.59% 12.11% 5.50% - 9.77%
GoalTracker Age Based 57 26/3/2020 -0.94% 1.52% 11.73% 5.32% - 9.47%
GoalTracker Age Based 58 26/3/2020 -0.91% 1.46% 11.36% 5.14% - 9.17%
GoalTracker Age Based 59 26/3/2020 -0.87% 1.39% 10.99% 4.95% - 8.86%
GoalTracker Age Based 60 and above 26/3/2020 -0.84% 1.32% 10.61% 4.77% - 8.56%
Diversified options
Defensive Option 1/7/2003 -0.34% 0.57% 5.86% 2.34% 3.13% 4.96%
Diversified 50 Option 1/7/2003 -0.53% 0.90% 7.74% 3.10% 4.16% 5.76%
Balanced Growth Option 1/7/2008 -0.77% 1.45% 10.31% 4.59% 6.10% 6.08%
Growth Option 1/7/2003 -0.88% 1.87% 12.52% 5.63% 6.90% 7.47%
High Growth Option 1/4/2005 -1.09% 2.21% 15.34% 6.90% 8.09% 7.28%
Sector options
Australian Cash Option 1/7/2003 0.34% 0.94% 3.57% 2.56% 1.59% 2.68%
Australian Fixed Income Option 24/11/2017 0.53% -0.39% 2.72% -0.73% -0.10% 1.09%
Global Fixed Income - $A Hedged Option 24/11/2017 -1.17% -2.11% 1.30% -3.12% -0.98% 0.26%
Global Shares – $A Hedged Option 24/11/2017 -1.85% -0.47% 14.97% 4.07% 7.11% 6.56%
Emerging Markets Option 24/11/2017 3.81% 3.11% 16.15% 1.16% 2.13% 2.51%
Australian Floating Rate Option 1/7/2007 0.40% 1.27% 5.29% 3.65% 2.48% 3.02%
Global Shares Option 1/4/2005 1.99% 7.87% 22.93% 8.65% 10.17% 7.74%
Listed International Property Securities – $A Hedged Option 1/4/2005 -6.11% -7.08% 2.69% -5.78% -1.16% 4.06%
Australian Shares Option 12/12/2023 -2.73% -0.03% 12.77% - - 17.23%
Responsible Options
Low Carbon Global Shares Option 24/11/2017 2.46% 9.85% 25.66% 9.17% 11.26% 10.93%
Low Carbon Australian Shares Option 12/12/2023 -2.63% -0.46% 10.71% - - 14.68%
Third party options
Third-Party Indexed Australian Shares Option 24/11/2017 -2.66% -0.50% 11.46% 7.55% 8.08% 8.20%
Third-Party Indexed Global Shares Option 24/11/2017 2.32% 10.87% 27.98% 11.44% 12.87% 12.73%
Third-Party Index Global Shares - $A Hedged Option 24/11/2017 -1.76% 1.66% 19.32% 5.93% 9.13% 8.86%

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Performance has been calculated after allowing for tax and investment management expenses and the Trustee Administration Fee. Other Administration fees are not included in the calculation. Performance for periods longer than 1 year are annualised. The inception date reflects the first day of investment into the option. This information has been prepared for the purpose of providing general information, without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making an investment decision, you need to consider whether this information is appropriate to your objectives, financial situation or needs. Please consult your financial adviser. This information has been compiled from sources considered to be reliable, but is not guaranteed. Any potential investor should consider the relevant PDS in deciding whether to acquire, or continue to hold units in a fund.


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