We take great pride in providing exceptional service to you, so we always take any inquiry or complaint very seriously. To this end we have created a very simple and straightforward dispute resolution process to help if you're dissatisfied.
Step 1
Call us on 1800 555 667, because our friendly staff will generally be able to resolve any issue immediately.
If our representative cannot resolve the issue to your satisfaction, or you are unhappy with the outcome and wish to lodge a formal complaint, please contact us:
By mail
The Complaints Officer
Russell Investments Master Trust
Locked Bag A4094
Sydney South NSW 1235
By phone
1800 555 667
By email
Step 2
Once the Trustee receives your complaint, the Trustee will then consider your issue and a response will be provided to you as quickly as possible within 90 days.
If you do not receive a response within 90 days or are not satisfied with the response, you may take your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).
Step 3
AFCA is an independent body set up by the Federal Government to assist members or beneficiaries to resolve certain financial complaints.
Once AFCA accepts your complaint, it will attempt to resolve the matter through conciliation, which involves assisting the parties to come to a mutual agreement. If conciliation is unsuccessful, the complaint is formally referred to AFCA for a determination.
You should first ring to find out whether AFCA can handle your complaint and the type of information you need to provide. Further information can also be obtained from the AFCA website.
You can contact AFCA:
By mail
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
By phone
1800 931 678
By email