Individual strategies for DC plans

Diversified multi-asset strategies for defined contribution plans' core menus.

Why choose our multi-manager investments for your DC plan?

We offer collective investment trust (CIT) institutional strategies for large DC plans as well as mutual funds in various share classes.

With our multi-manager strategies, defined contribution plan sponsors and their participants receive:

Potential fee savings

We strive to negotiate favorable fees and leverage scale that can be passed on to plans that may not have the time, expertise, or size necessary to do so themselves.

Simple asset allocation decisions for participants

One multi-manager strategy can take the place of several style-based strategies within the same asset class.

Access to a professionally managed process

Adapts to changing market conditions while balancing risks and returns.

Simplified manager change process

With a multi-manager solution, we simply exchange one manager for another within the existing fund structure. No lengthy manager searches for you; no 30-day participant pre-notification requirement.

Access to some of the world’s leading money managers

We research and continuously monitor money managers for quality and performance.

Simplify your defined contribution menu without compromising diversification.

Our investment strategy research process incorporates a belief in the importance of diversification – by asset class, styles, and managers.

We recognize that no single provider is best at all strategies in all market environments. So, we don't try to do it all in-house. We also research independent money managers from around the world–with the goal of finding "best-in-class" managers–then combine those manager products into the strategies within our portfolios, all with the oversight and expertise of our portfolio managers.

We offer a wide range of strategies, from traditional asset class strategies including large cap U.S. equity, small cap U.S. equity, non-U.S. equity, and fixed income, to sector strategies focused on specific investment strategies and narrowly focused areas of the market.

Investment strategies

Your goal as a DC plan sponsor is to help improve the financial security for your participants. That's our mission, too. We're dedicated to helping you employ the best practices in plan design, investments, and implementation.

Explore institutional investment strategies

Streamline your defined contribution core menu to simplify plan participants' investment decisions.

We believe that the fewer decisions a retirement plan participant is asked to make, the better. With most plans offering an average of 18 options*, participants are often required to make multiple investment decisions: Stocks vs. bonds, capitalization (large vs. small), and investment style (growth vs. value).

A well-constructed core menu can represent diverse risk and potential return choices, while keeping the investment options easy to understand. Choosing investments for your plan shouldn't require compromises. A well-designed menu should bring your participants institutional-quality investments that can be combined to provide asset allocation, diversification, and risk management.

Rather than offering narrow investment choices and forcing participants to become experts on siloed asset classes, we believe the same amount of diversification can be offered to participants with a relatively smaller core menu of 6-8 investment strategies made up of multiple managers in each investment option. A multi-manager approach can help improve the consistency of returns with less volatility than single manager portfolios in the same asset class**.

*Source: Defined Contribution Benchmarking Survey, 2017 Edition, Deloitte
**Source: Russell Investments


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