Case studies for
healthcare and hospital systems

We have a long tradition of in-depth thinking on the most complex challenges investors, like you, face. Our cutting-edge research is written for you by our analysts to deliver knowledge.

Client case studies

Model implementation: What is it and how can it help?
Discover how a large healthcare system with multiple investment pools achieved significant cost savings and enhanced portfolio control through Russell Investments' model implementation, featuring custom screens, reduced trades, improved portfolio control and analytics.

Solving merger & acquisition complexity with an OCIO partner
Learn how we helped a health system streamline its multiple asset pools, retain control where desired, decrease the complexity of its investment program, and reduce expenses.

Health system insurance company
Find out how this health system insurance company improved alignment of the investment strategy with the insurance market.

Healthcare system
Explore how we reduced post-consolidation complexity by developing an integrated risk financial framework in this client case study.

Case studies are problem-solving stories. We select a situation that is indicative of problems clients in this category are facing. The recommendations described do not represent a standard strategy or set of recommendations made for all advisory clients with similar issues. Each client has unique requirements, challenges, and constraints, and our advisory solutions are tailored to each client's specific needs.

Strategic research

The 2021 re-evaluation list for non-profits and healthcare
Amid the pandemic, should healthcare systems explore other income strategies next year? Learn five issues to pay attention to in 2021.

3 key issues for hospital and health system fiduciaries to consider in a post-COVID world
As the healthcare industry slowly shifts from crisis mode to recovery mode, we believe it's imperative for fiduciaries to ensure that their organization's investment strategy is aligned with its financial goals.

Cash-strapped hospitals: What’s the best way to meet short-term needs?
Why busy hospitals are hurting for cash? Where can help be found? See if tapping into long-term investments is the right move.

Quitting tobacco: See if ESG exclusions hurt performance
At least 50% of U.S. and global managers underweight tobacco, our research reveals. Do tobacco exclusions impact portfolio performance?

3 reasons why we believe private markets are an attractive alternative
The case for private markets as the number of publicly-listed companies is shrinking. Can exposure to private markets narrow the funding gap?


Healthcare fiduciary's guidebook | Russell Investments


We created the Healthcare Fiduciary's Guidebook as a step-by-step guide for non-profit hospitals and healthcare systems to provide a fiduciary roadmap to help you simplify your complex investment programs.

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Lisa Schneider

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Lisa Schneider, CFA

Managing Director,
Head of Client Solutions

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