Make a whistleblowing report

To make a whistleblowing report, use the following details:

In respect of TRM:

In respect of all other Russell Investments entities:

In your report, please identify which Russell Investments entity you are making a report in respect of.

Legal protections for eligible whistleblowers:

If you are an eligible whistleblower and make a report to ASIC, APRA, the Commonwealth Authority or Russell Investments’ eligible recipients, the following protections apply:

  • You cannot be subject to any civil, criminal or administrative liability for making the disclosure.
  • You cannot have a contractual or other remedy enforced or exercised against them for making the disclosure.
  • You cannot have the information disclosed, admitted as evidence against you in criminal proceedings or other proceedings where a penalty may apply. However, the information can be admitted as evidence with respect of determining the falsity of the information.
  • Your identity will remain confidential unless you provide your consent for your identity to be disclosed.