We recently conducted a survey of Australian Financial Advisers, asking for their view on how they feel about the current market, how they are responding and how best we can support during this time.  

More than a quarter of the 200 financial advisers we surveyed are considering more sophisticated options, in particular real return funds when reviewing clients’ portfolios, given the current market environment.

We believe real return funds will continue to grow in popularity as the value of these sophisticated strategies are increasingly recognised.

Key Findings

  • 31% of advisers were uncertain about valuations of the market over the next 6 – 12 months. With 29% slightly pessimistic and 29% slightly optimistic.
  • 40% believe their clients are uncertain about valuations of the market and 30% believe their clients are slightly pessimistic.
  • 63% of advisers have reviewed or currently thinking of reviewing their clients’ asset allocation due to market valuations.
  • 39% are considering conservative options, 28% are considering real return funds, whilst only 7% are considering cash as an option.
  • 34% of advisers would like support they can share with their clients during this time.

    In response to this, Russell Investments has created a downside management toolkit to keep you informed of the latest market events. This provides insights into how we have been managing downside risk in our portfolios; and equips you with important information to hold on to while markets bounce through turbulent times. View our toolkit

  • 28% of advisers would like a rapid response to market events.

    Over the coming months if significant market events arise, we will communicate our response and provide resources to help remind your clients about keeping their outcomes in focus during these times.