Russell Investments
Sustainable Managed Portfolios

Dynamically managed portfolios seeking lower carbon emissions and enhanced ESG outcomes compared to the relevant benchmark.

4 out of 5 star rating by independent research house SQM Research

IMAP - 2022 Finalist for IMAP’s ESG managed account award

investment objective

The Russell Investments Sustainable Managed Portfolios aim to provide investors exposure to predominantly investment managers and strategies that seek to have positive sustainable outcomes.


Due to a reporting error, the Sustainable Managed Portfolios performance figures provided in the October, November and December 2024 monthly factsheets were incorrect. These factsheets have been reissued and now reflect the accurate performance data. You can find the updated December factsheets available on this page. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

 Diversified 50
Balanced Growth  High Growth
Fact sheets 
Client trade note          
Exposure to Growth Assets  30% 50%   70%  90%  100%
Focus Income,
 Mix of income
and growth,
Capital growth, sustainability1   Capital growth, sustainability1
Volatility  Lower Medium   Medium Higher Higher 
Minimum timeframe 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years  
Since inception date 21/08/2023 28/4/2023 28/2/2022
28/2/2022 01/08/2023

1The portfolios have exposure to predominantly managers and strategies that seek to have positive sustainable outcomes compared to the portfolio’s benchmark. Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for more information about the benchmark and ESG considerations for the portfolios. A PDS can be obtained by contacting the relevant platform operator(s).


Platform availability

Where can you access our Sustainable Managed Portfolios?

  Conservative   Diversified
 Balanced Growth High
 North    ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓
   ✓  ✓  ✓

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Investor benefits of the Sustainable Managed Portfolios

Binoculars icon with an eye on the left lens and globe on the right lens

Global insights

Investors benefit from our ongoing global research on existing and emerging sustainable strategies. As sustainable investing evolves, so will the portfolios.

Hand and buttons icon

Direct ownership

The direct equity component of the sustainable managed portfolios provides transparency and allows investors to tailor their holdings.

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Independent ‘Superior’ rating

The portfolios have been rated 4 out of 5 stars for world class manager research capabilities and robust strategic asset allocation based process by independent research house SQM Research.2

Why use Russell Investments managed portfolios?

Our managed portfolios draw from our complete toolkit of active, factor and passive strategies to deliver a dynamically managed portfolio at an attractive price point.

Person in front of pie chart icon

Institutional grade asset allocation expertise

Funnel icon

Access to the world's leading managers and strategies

Screen with performance arrows and alert warning

Robust processes to adapt responsibly to changing markets


Investing and leading responsibility

We believe responsible investing and performance can be complementary. Our responsible investing approach aims to capture the right exposure without jeopardising return.

We are committed to exceptional standards of corporate responsibility. We believe everything we do must benefit our stakeholders: from clients, employees and shareholders to the environment and our wider communities.

The annual survey has evolved over the years, enabling deeper insights into trends and into how attitudes toward responsible investing have changed since it launched in 2015.

2023 Responsible Investment Report

The Responsible Investment Benchmark Report Australia 2023 shows that Australia’s responsible investment market reached a new milestone. A record 272 professional investment managers in Australia are now engaged in responsible investment amounting to $3.3 trillion or 93% of all professionally managed assets in Australia.*

Download Benchmark Report

* This is the 22nd annual Responsible Investment Benchmark Report, prepared by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA). The report details the size, growth, depth and performance of the Australian responsible investment market from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022, and compares these results with the broader Australian financial market.

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2 The superior rating is issued by SQM Research Pty Ltd ABN 93 122 592 036 AFSL 421913. The rating applies to the Russell Investments Sustainable Managed Portfolio – Balanced and Growth. SQM Research is an investment research firm that undertakes research on investment products exclusively for its wholesale clients, utilising a proprietary review and star rating system. The SQM Research star rating systems of a general nature and does not take into account the particular circumstances or needs of any specific person. The rating may be subject to change at any time. Only licensed financial advisers may use the SQM Research star rating system in determining whether an investment is appropriate to a person’s particular circumstances or needs. You should read the product disclosure statement and consult a licensed financial adviser before making an investment decision in relation to this investment product. SQM Research receives a fee from the Fund Manager for the research and rating of the managed investment scheme.